All the coffee drinkers will be truly pleased to read this

The consumption of coffee was described all the way back in the 15th century and is one of the most consumed beverages worldwide. Coffee has several benefits due to its antioxidant properties, which also goes with its application to skin health. There is a large trend towards organic cosmeceuticals and using natural sources to maintain our skin health.

In 2015 a study was done in Japan, which showed that coffee consumption is associated with less facial pigmented spots. The main antioxidant polyphenols also protects the skin against DNA damage from the sunlight, also known as photo ageing. Some argue that it is in fact the antioxidant effects from coffee that contribute to its positive effects, which can also be found in green tea. Below we are suggesting some examples of the potential benefits of coffee for your skin.




Coffee as a scrub to exfoliate doesn’t only contribute to a smoother texture but can apparently also reduce the appearance of cellulites due to its properties in tightening blood vessels. Read more about cellulites and treatments in one of our other blogs.



Coffee is rich in vitamin B3 (niacin), which has been known to help prevent non-melanoma skin cancers. However keep in mind that sunscreen and staying in the shade provide the best protection.




Some experts claim that coffee has anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties, which could be beneficial in those suffering from acne. However some also claim that it can exacerbate acne. We will soon release a post more on this topic.




Coffee is also said to help against dark circles under the eyes by tightening the blood vessels. You can do this by gently patting coffee grounds mixed with olive oil, which forms a paste. This works as a facemask as well.


We have discussed the potential benefits from coffee consumption as well as using it topically on your skin. However we want to remind our readers that it is a combination of factors that leads to a healthier skin. We would also like to mention that an excessive consumption of coffee could have harmful effects on your body.