Is there a quick fix to better skin?

Maybe you’re going on holiday next week, you have a photo shoot in a couple of days or your wedding is next month? You’ll probably be looking for a quick fix for your skin. Everybody looks at their skin and see where they could improve. It’s totally normal. But is there really a quick fix for your skin?

Achieving perfect skin really is a long game – it can take weeks to months at the very least. Not all is lost, though. You can get a beautiful complexion in next to no time. We have listed our top ways.



Exfoliating should be a part of your routine skincare anyway, but it’s also a really quick fix. Removing the dead cells on the surface basically instantly makes your skin look brighter. Perhaps you’re already exfoliating but you’re not seeing the results you really want? There’s more than one way to exfoliate. Yes, there are scrubs, there are peels and, there are brushes. Why not try out another option and see if it works for you.



You probably already have a skincare routine. If you don’t, we definitely recommend you pick one up. Have a look at one of our other posts for advise.

Keep using your skincare, these products create short-term and long-term benefits. They’ll definitely give you a glow that will just make you feel and look so much better.

When people are searching for quick fixes, they often stray away from their usual favourite products, don’t do this – keep using them as you would on any other day. There are also supercharged products that you could try out too, just make sure they don’t have nasty ingredients in that will cause havoc later on.





These are the magical treatments that can really cure everything. They’re a bit scary to think about, but they can be very beneficial. They can help with scarring, pigmentation, dry skin, acne, wrinkles and fine lines. They basically remove the top layer of the skin, speeding up the cell turnover. Depending on what your goals are, some remove more than others.

After a medium skin peel, treated areas can take up to 14 days to heal. After an intense skin peel, it will take a bit longer, so, keep that in mind when you’re planning your quick fix. You don’t want to show up to your own wedding with a red, swollen face.



Start loading up on your nutrients. Obviously, you should be doing this anyway but improving your health and complexion can actually be a short-term fix.

The best type of diet change is cutting out salt. They’re the biggest offenders for puffiness, bloating and heavy lids. You can wake up instantly looking better if you just keep the salt low. Have a look at one of our other posts for what you should eat to make your skin radiant.



Treatment with dermal fillers can give you an instant rejuvenated look. Botulinum toxin can also be used to give you a more refreshed appearance, however keep in mind that it takes days and up to 14 days to get the full effect of the treatment.

If you’re scared of needles there’s also Ultherapy which is completely injection free. This consists of an ultrasound treatment which instantly tightens places like the neck and brows.

If you’re not really looking for a lift, there’s always laser resurfacing which improves pigmentation, fine lines and scars. Sometimes you only need one treatment to get your desired results.



Many celebrities such as Kim Kardashian, Ferne McCann and Bar Rafaeli have tried vampire facials, which are becoming more popular recently.

You might have guessed from the name; they’re basically blood treatments. The real name is Platelet Rich Plasma therapy and it’s literally a process of using the blood from a client to rejuvenate the skin on the face.

The benefits are:

  • Tightening stubborn pores
  • Improving the appearance of ageing
  • Rejuvenating the area under the eyes
  • Plumping and volumizing areas like the cheeks



Also known as mesotherapy, is a process of vitamins being injected directly into the body to improve the texture and tone of the skin. Not only does this make you perform better throughout your day (gives you more energy) but you’ll also get basically instantly nicer looking skin.

The results are kind of like a combination of a great diet and a stress-free holiday. This has gained popularity in recent years and has fast become people’s holy grail.

Great skin can take time and effort but is achievable with the combination of products, good diet, rest and a little bit of professional help.